Thursday, March 19, 2009

List of snakes in South Carolina

This is a list of the known varieties of snakes in South Carolina

Non Venomous

Image Binomial Name Name Map

Carphophis amoenus amoenus Eastern worm snake

Cemophora coccinea copei Scarlet snake

Coluber constrictor Black racer

Diadophis punctatus edwardsii Northern ringneck snake

Diadophis punctatus punctatus Southern ringneck snake
Elaphe guttata guttata Corn snake

Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta Black rat snake

Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata Yellow rat snake

Farancia abacura abacura Eastern mud snake

Farancia erytrogramma erytrogramma Rainbow snake

Heterondon platirhinos Eastern hognose snake

Heterondon simus Southern hognose snake

Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata Mole king snake

Lampropeltis getula getula Eastern king snake

Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides Scarlet King Snake

Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum Eastern milk snake

Masticophis flagellum flagellum Eastern coachwhip

Nerodia erythrogaster erythrogaster Redbelly water snake

Nerodia fasciata fasciata Banded water snake

Nerodia floridana Florida green water snake

Nerodia fasciata fasciata Banded water snake

Nerodia floridana Florida green water snake

Nerodia sipedon pleuralis Midland water snake

Nerodia sipedon sipedon Northern water snake

Nerodia taxispilota Brown water snake

Opheodrys aestivus Rough green snake

Pituophis melanoleucus Pine snake

Regina rigida rigida Glossy crayfish snake

Regina septemvittata Queen snake

Rhadinaea flavilata Pine woods snake

Seminatrix pygaea paludis Carolina swamp snake

Storeria dekayi Brown snake

Storeria occipitomaculata obscura Florida redbelly snake

Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata Northern redbelly snake

Tantilla coronata Southeastern crowned snake

Thamnophis sauritus sackenii Peninsula ribbon snake

Thamnophis sauritus sauritus Eastern ribbon snake

Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis Eastern garter snake

Virginia striatula Rough earth snake

Virginia valeriae valeriae Eastern smooth earth snake


Image Binomial Name Name Map

Agkistrodon contortrix Copperhead snake

Agkistrodon piscivorus Cottonmouth snake

Crotalus adamanteus Eastern diamondback

Crotalus horridus horridus Timber rattlesnake

Micrurus fulvius fulvius Eastern coral snake

Sistrurus miliarius barbouri Dusky pigmy rattlesnake

Sistrurus miliarius miliarius Carolina pigmy rattlesnake

List of snakes in New Jersey

This is a list of snakes known to be found in New Jersey, United States.


Image Binomial name Name Map

Carphophis amoenus amoenus eastern worm snake

Cemophora coccinea copei Northern Scarlet Snake

Coluber constrictor constrictor Northern Black Racer

Diadophis punctatus punctatus Southern Ringneck Snake

Diadophis punctatus edwardsi northern ringneck snake
Elaphe guttata guttata corn snake
Elaphe obsoleta black rat snake
Heterodon platirhinos eastern hognose snake

Lampropeltis getula getula eastern kingsnake
Lampropeltis triangulum "coastal plain" milk snake

Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum eastern milk snake

Nerodia sipedon sipedon northern water snake

Opheodrys aestivus rough green snake

Opheodrys vernalis smooth green snake
Regina septemvittata queen snake

Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus northern pine snake

Storeria dekayi dekayi northern brown snake

Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata northern red-bellied snake

Thamnophis sauritus sauritus eastern ribbon snake

Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis eastern garter snake

Virginia valeriae valeriae eastern smooth earth snake


Image Binomial name Name Map
Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen northern copperhead
Crotalus horridus timber rattlesnake

List of snakes in Missouri

This is a list of known snakes in Missouri, United States.
Non-venomous snakes

Western Worm Snake Carphophis vermis
Northern Scarlet Snake Cemophora coccinea copei
Eastern Yellowbelly Racer Coluber constrictor flaviventris
Prairie Ring-necked Snake Diadophis punctatus arnyi
Great Plains Rat Snake Elaphe guttata
Black Rat Snake Elaphe obsoleta
Western Fox Snake Elaphe vulpina
Western Mud Snake Farancia abacura reinwardtii
Plains Hog-nosed Snake Heterodon nasicus nasicus
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake Heterodon platirhinos
Prairie Kingsnake Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster
Speckled Kingsnake Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
Red Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum syspila
Eastern Coachwhip Masticophis flagellum flagellum
Mississippi Green Water Snake Nerodia cyclopion
Yellow-bellied Water Snake Nerodia erythrogaster flavigaster
Broad-banded Water Snake Nerodia fasciata confluens
Diamond-backed Water Snake Nerodia rhombifer rhombifer
Northern Water Snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon
Rough Green Snake Opheodrys aestivus aestivus
Smooth Green Snake Opheodrys (Liochlorophis) vernalis
Bullsnake Pituophis catenifer sayi
Graham's Crayfish Snake Regina grahamii
Ground Snake Sonora semiannulata
Midland Brown Snake Storeria dekayi wrightorum
Northern Red-bellied Snake Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata
Flat-headed Snake Tantilla gracilus
Western Ribbon Snake Thamnophis proximus proximus
Plains Garter Snake Thamnophis radix
Eastern Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
Lined Snake Tropidoclonian lineatum
Rough Earth Snake Virginia striatula
Western Earth Snake Virginia valeriae elegans
Venomous snakes

Osage Copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster

Western Cottonmouth Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma

Timber Rattlesnake Crotalus horridus

Western Pygmy Rattlesnake Sistrurus miliarius streckeri

Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Sistrurus catenatus catenatus

List of snakes in Kansas

This is a list of Kansas snakes, including Venomous as well as Non-Venomous snakes native to the state of Kansas.

Venomous species

Non-venomous species

MT)This snake has enlarged grooved teeth near the back of the upper jaw and secretes a mildly toxic saliva to incapacitate its prey. However, it is not considered dangerous to humans.

List of snakes in Colorado

This is a list of the known venomous and non-venomous snakes in Colorado, United States.

Non-Venomous Snakes

Blind Snake: Rare (Texas)New Mexican Blind Snake - Leptotyphlops d. dissectus (S.E. CO)

Glossy Snake: Secure Kansas Glossy Snake - Arizona e. elegans (E. CO) Painted Desert Glossy Snake - Arizona e. philipi (S.W. CO)

Racer: Common E. Yellow Bellied Racer - Coluber c. flaviventris (E. CO) W. Yellow Bellied Racer - Coluber c. mormon (W. CO)

Ringneck Snake: Secure Prairie Ringneck Snake - Diadophis p. arnyi (S.E. CO) Regal Ringneck Snake - Diadophis p. regalis (Note noted with hammerson, this could be a possible occurrence in extreme S.W. CO)

Great Plains Ratsnake: Common

Pantherophis g. emoryi Pantherophis g. intermontana(Valid subspecies?)

Western Hognose Snake: Nasicus is secure. Plains Hognose Snake - Heterodon n. nasicus (E. CO) E. Hognose Snake - Heterodon platirhinos (Extreme E. CO)

Night Snake: Secure Texas Nightsnake - Hypsiglena t. janii (S.E. CO) Mesa Verde Nightsnake - Hypsiglena t. loreala (W. CO)

Common Kingsnake: Uncommon Kingsnake Intergrade - Lampropeltis g. hoolbrooki/splendida(Speckled/Desert) S.E. CO California Kingsnake - Lampropeltis g. californiae (Extreme S.W. CO)

Milk Snake: Secure Utah Milksnake - Lampropeltis t. taylori (West-Central CO) Lampropeltis t. taylori/celaenops (Utah/New Mex) S.W. & South-Central CO Lampropeltis t. multistriata/gentilis(Pale/Central Plains) N.E. CO Central Plains Milksnake - Lampropeltis t. gentilis/ Rest of E. CO Note: Could be variants instead of subspecies.

Green Snake: Secure W. Smooth Green Snake - Liochlorophis vernalis blanchardi (Central to Western Slope)

Coachwhip: Common W. Coachwhip - Masticophis f. testaceus (East to South-Central to Southeastern CO) Red Coachwhip - Masticophis f. piceus ( This snake may occur in extreme S.W. Colorado, but there is no evidence to suggest such. The closest populations are in S.W. Utah. Striped Whipsnake: Common Desert Striped Whipsnake - Masticophis t. taeniatus (W. CO)

Watersnake: Secure Northern Watersnake - Nerodia s. sipedon (N.E. to S.W. CO)

Bullsnake/Gophersnake: Common Bullsnake - Pituophis c. sayi (Eastern Slope) Great Basin Gophersnake - Pituophis c. deserticola (Western Slope) Sonoran Gophersnake - Pituophis c. affinis ( Intergradation may occur with deserticola in Colorado)

Longnose Snake: Uncommon Texas Longnose Snake - Rhinocheilus l. tessellatus (S.E. CO)

Ground Snake: Secure W. Ground Snake - Sonora semiannulata (S.E. CO) Note: This could also occur in N.W. CO.

Black-headed Snake: Secure S.W. Black-headed Snake - Tantilla hobartsmithi (W. CO) Plains Black-headed Snake - Tantilla n. nigriceps (Eastern Slope)

Garter Snake: W. Blackneck Garter Snake - Thamnophis c. cyrtopsis (S.E. to S.W. CO) Uncommon Western Terrestrial Garter Snake - Thamnophis e. vagrans (Most of Colorado) Common W. Plains Garter Snake - Thamnophis r. haydenii (Eastern Slope) Common Red Sided Garter Snake - Thamnophis s. parietalis (North-Central to N.E. CO) Common Arid Land Ribbonsnake - Thamnophis p. diabolicus (S.E. CO) RARE!

Brown Snake: Rare(May be extirpated) Texas Brown Snake - Storeria d. texana (This species was reportedly found in Las Animas County by Arthur E. Beardsley(1883). This species may be extirpated, but fieldherping might yield specimens.

Lined Snake - Tropidoclonion l. lineatum (Generally Eastern Slope) Secure

Rubber Boa - Charina bottae (This species may occur in Colorado, but no substantial evidence suggest such, as of yet.)

Western Rattlesnake: Common Prairie Rattlesnake(Crotalus v. viridis) Most of the state. Midget Faded Rattlesnake(Crotalus v. concolor) Western Half of state.

Massasauga: Secure Western Massasauga(Integrade between S.c. edwardsii and S.c.tergeminus)

List of snakes in Georgia

This is a list of the known snakes of Georgia.


Non Venomous

Worm Snake (Carphophis amoenus)

Scarlet Snake (Cemophora coccinea)

Black Racer (Coluber constrictor)

Ringneck Snake (Diadophis punctatus)

Indigo Snake (Drymarchon corais)

Corn Snake (Elaphe guttata)

Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta)

Mud Snake (Farancia abacura)

Rainbow Snake (Farancia erytrogramma)

Eastern Hognose Snake (Heterodon platirhinos)

Southern Hognose Snake (Heterodon simus)

Mole Kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster)

Eastern Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula)

Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum)

Scarlet Kingsnake (Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides)

Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum)

Redbelly Water Snake (Nerodia erythrogaster)

Banded Water Snake (Nerodia fasciata)

Green Water Snake (Nerodia floridana)

Northern Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon)

Brown Water Snake (Nerodia taxispilota)

Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus)

Pine Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus)

Striped Crayfish Snake (Regina alleni)

Glossy Crayfish Snake (Regina rigida)

Queen snake (Regina septemvittata)

Pine Woods Snake (Rhadinaea flavilata)

Black Swamp Snake (Seminatrix pygaea)

Brown Snake (Storeria dekayi)

Red-bellied Snake (Storeria occipitomaculata)

Florida Brown Snake (Storeria victa)

Southeastern Crowned Snake (Tantilla coronata)

Central Florida Crowned Snake (Tantilla relicta)

Eastern Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis sauritus)

Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)

Rough Earth Snake (Virginia striatula)

Smooth Earth Snake (Virginia valeriae)



Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix)

Cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus)

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus)

Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus)

Pigmy Rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius)

Coral Snake

Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius)

List of snakes in Alabama



Coral Snake



Colubrid Snakes - Family Colubridae
Worm Snake Carphophis amoenus ssp. Fairly common. Known from most regions except portions of Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Ridge and Valley. A secretive small woodland snake of mesic deciduous forest. Includes subspecies C. a. amoenus (Eastern worm snake) and C. a. helenae (midwest worm snake). Lowest Conservation Concern.

Scarlet Snake Cemophora coccinea. Fairly common statewide. A small secretive snake of forested habitat types, especially areas with loose, well-drained soils. Often mistaken for coral snakes or scarlet kingsnakes due to colorful banded pattern. Thought to be declining throughout much of its distribution. Lowest Conservation Concern.

Black Racer Coluber constrictor ssp. Common statewide, but declining in many areas. A familiar diurnal species that occurs in virtually all terrestrial habitats. Most frequently encountered in open forest and forest edges, and along brushy margins of aquatic habitats. Includes subspecies C. c. constrictor (northern black racer) and C. c. priapus (southern black racer). Low Conservation Concern.

Ring-necked Snake Diadophis punctatus ssp. Fairly common statewide, but less abundant than in the past. A frequently encountered small woodland snake. Alabama populations are intergradient combinations involving two or all of three subspecies, D. p. punctatus (southern ring-necked snake), D. p. edwardsi (northern ring-necked snake) and D. p. stictogenys (Mississippi ring-necked snake). Lowest Conservation Concern.

Eastern Indigo Snake Drymarchon couperi. Endangered/Possibly extirpated. Historically reported from Southern Pine Plains and Hills in Mobile, Baldwin, and Covington Counties in extreme southern Alabama, but not documented from natural populations in state since 1954. Recent reports may be from several experimental introductions in late 1970s and 1980s. Further investigation into possibly extant natural populations is needed, especially in Mobile County. Listed as threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HIGHEST CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Corn Snake Elaphe guttata guttata. Uncommon to locally fairly common statewide. While still fairly common in northern Alabama, Coastal Plain populations have declined precipitously. Somewhat arboreal, but less so than related rat snakes. Corn snakes nest in loose soil or organic debris, are mainly nocturnal, and are found in a variety of terrestrial habitats that support sizeable small rodent populations. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Rat Snake Elaphe obsoleta ssp. Fairly common statewide. This large arboreal snake, known to many as “chicken snake,” has not declined like corn snakes. Rat snakes may nest high in tree cavities, a position that may reduce mortality from fire ants and other ground-foraging predators. Occurs in most terrestrial habitats, and occasionally may be found in, or near, forested suburbs. Populations in extreme northeastern Alabama are E. o. obsoleta (black rat snake), while others, except intergrades, are E. o. spiloides (gray rat snake). Lowest Conservation Concern.

Mud Snake Farancia abacura ssp. Uncommon to fairly common throughout Coastal Plain, wherever suitable habitat is found. Also known from Interior Plateau near Tennessee River. A large and secretive semi-aquatic snake of beaver swamps, ponds, floodplains, and sluggish streams. Includes two intergrading subspecies, F. a. abacura (eastern mud snake) and F. a. reinwardti (western mud snake). Low Conservation Concern.

Rainbow Snake Farancia erytrogramma erytrogramma. Rare and possibly threatened. Seldom encountered in known distribution, which includes Coastal Plain and possibly adjacent regions above Fall Line Hills. Recorded from fewer than 10 locations in Alabama. A large semi-aquatic burrowing snake of rivers, large creeks, and occasionally ponds. HIGH CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Eastern Hog-nosed Snake Heterodon platirhinos. Uncommon to rare in many places where formerly common. Statewide in distribution. Often called “spreading adder,” this familiar snake is apparently declining for unknown reasons. Typically inhabits fields, open woods, and disturbed areas. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Southern Hog-nosed Snake Heterodon simus. Endangered/Possibly extirpated. Known from portions of Coastal Plain and Ridge and Valley. A small secretive snake of sandy woods, fields, and other upland habitats. Although at least 10 records exist, none are known since 1975. Reasons for apparent decline unknown. Southern hognose snakes are declining throughout their distribution, but still occur in parts of southern Georgia South Carolina, and Florida, and may persist in very low numbers in Alabama. HIGHEST CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Prairie Kingsnake Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster. Peripheral and uncommon in Interior Plateau, and possibly Appalachian Plateau north of Tennessee River. Known from Madison County, and may occur in Limestone and Jackson Counties. A secretive and poorly known burrowing snake of open woodlands and grassy areas. HIGH CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Mole Kingsnake Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata. Uncommon to rare in Coastal Plain, uncommon elsewhere. Thought to occur statewide, but records are lacking from substantial areas. A secretive burrowing snake of woods and fields. Occasionally found above ground after dark, especially after rains. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Eastern Kingsnake Lampropeltis getula getula. Rare to uncommon, and possibly threatened. Found in south-central and eastern portion of Coastal Plain and adjacent Piedmont. Also known from Dauphin Island. A large, diurnal, conspicuous ground-dwelling snake of most terrestrial habitats. Formerly one of Alabama’s most commonly encountered snakes, it and speckled kingsnake have declined markedly for reasons not well understood. HIGH CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Speckled Kingsnake Lampropeltis getula holbrooki. Rare to uncommon, and possibly threatened. Coastal Plain inhabitant, except for those portions occupied by eastern and black kingsnakes. Attains its greatest population densities in Blackland Prairie. This subspecies is similar in both habits and conservation status to eastern kingsnake. HIGH CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Black Kingsnake Lampropeltis getula nigra. Fairly common above Fall Line Hills in northern Alabama. Similar in habits to eastern and speckled kingsnakes, but apparently has not declined to extent of Coastal Plain forms of L. getula. Low Conservation Concern.

Scarlet Kingsnake Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides. Uncommon to fairly common. Presumed statewide in distribution, but many areas lack records. Secretive and rarely seen except in spring. Along with scarlet snake, sometimes confused with the coral snake due to its similar colorful banded pattern. Low Conservation Concern.

Red Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum syspila. Uncommon and infrequently encountered in northwestern portion of Appalachian Plateau. Inhabits woodland, often near rocky areas. A secretive snake usually found in, and under, rotting logs, and occasionally seen on roads at night. Intergrades eastward with eastern milk snake. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Eastern Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum. Uncommon and infrequently encountered in eastern portions of Appalachian Plateau, including Lookout Mountain. Similar in habits and habitat preference to red milk snake, with which it intergrades westward in DeKalb and Jackson Counties. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Eastern Coachwhip Masticophis flagellum flagellum. Formerly common, now declining and generally rare to uncommon, especially in northern Alabama. A large conspicuous snake of sparse grassy woods and fields from Tennessee River to coastal dunes. While some northern populations are feared extirpated, a few areas of scrubby or frequently burned Coastal Plain habitats still support fair numbers. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Gulf Saltmarsh Snake Nerodia clarkii clarkii. Uncommon to fairly common in suitable habitat, which is limited. This coastal water snake has specialized habitat requirements and has declined due to destruction and degradation of salt marshes in both Baldwin and Mobile Counties. Formerly considered a subspecies of N. fasciata. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Mississippi Green Water Snake Nerodia cyclopion. Peripheral and fairly common in Southern Coastal Plain from Tensaw Delta westward. A large snake of forested swamps, oxbows, and sluggish, tree-lined streams, where it may be found as far as 97 kilometers (60 miles) inland from coastal areas. Less frequently encountered in lower Mobile Bay area, where forest gives way to marsh and grass flats. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Plain-bellied Water Snake Nerodia erythrogaster ssp. Common statewide. A large snake of most permanently aquatic habitats, especially swamps, sluggish streams, and weedy lakes and ponds. Chiefly nocturnal. Includes two intergrading subspecies, N. e. erythrogaster (red-bellied water snake) and N. e. flavigaster (yellow-bellied water snake). Lowest Conservation Concern.

Southern Water Snake Nerodia fasciata ssp. Common across southern portions of Coastal Plain. Inhabits most permanently aquatic habitats, especially sinkhole ponds and streams with abundant vegetation. Includes subspecies N. f. fasciata (banded water snake), N. f. confluens (broad-banded water snake), and N. f. pictiventris (Florida water snake) and intergrades. Lowest Conservation Concern.

Florida Green Water Snake Nerodia floridana. Peripheral and locally common in Southern Coastal Plain from Mobile Bay eastward in Baldwin County. Similar in appearance to Mississippi green water snake, but inhabits marshes and wet prairie habitats instead of forested wetlands. Not known more than 48 kilometers (30 miles) inland from coastal areas, and susceptible to local extirpations from hurricanes. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Diamond-backed Water Snake Nerodia rhombifer. Fairly common to common in western portions of Coastal Plain, extending eastward along Tennessee and Tallapoosa drainages to Macon County A heavy-bodied large snake of river sloughs, lakes, and swamps. Low Conservation Concern.

Midland Water Snake Nerodia sipedon pleuralis. Common statewide, except southernmost portions of Coastal Plain, where apparently confined to immediate vicinity of Conecuh, Yellow, and Choctawhatchee Rivers. A conspicuous inhabitant of ponds, lakes, and streams, and the most frequently encountered water snake in the northern two-thirds of Alabama. Lowest Conservation Concern.

Brown Water Snake Nerodia taxispilota. Fairly common in southeastern portion of Coastal Plain. Most frequently encountered in streams and stream impoundments. Large and active by day, it basks conspicuously and is frequently subject to human persecution. Low Conservation Concern.

Rough Green Snake Opheodrys aestivus. Uncommon to fairly common statewide. Formerly more common, this familiar slender and docile snake is found in a variety of heavily vegetated terrestrial habitats, including overhanging branches around lakes and streams. Reasons for apparent decline unknown. Low Conservation Concern.

Black Pine Snake Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi. Rare and possibly endangered in southern Pine Plains and Hills region west of Mobile Bay. Also known from Buhrstone/Lime Hills of Clarke County. Apparently extirpated from large area around Mobile. Intergrades east of Mobile Bay with Florida pine snake. large snake of dry, periodically burned open pine or mixed pine-scrub oak forest with abundant groundcover vegetation. Currently a candidate for federal listing. HIGHEST CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Northern Pine Snake Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus. Rare and possibly threatened. Populations may be disjunct and very localized in Ridge and Valley, Appalachian Plateau, and Interior Plateau. A large upland snake of relatively open, periodically burned pine or mixed pine-hardwood forest and adjacent clearings in sandy or gravelly uplands. HIGH CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Florida Pine Snake Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus. Threatened in southern portion of Coastal Plain east of Mobile Bay. Also known from Southern Hilly Gulf Coastal Plain region of Russell County in extreme eastern Alabama. Individuals from Escambia and Baldwin Counties are intergradient with black pine snake, and a Fall Line Hills population in Elmore County appears to be intergradient with northern pine snake. A large snake of open, periodically burned pine forest with abundant groundcover. Frequently associated with burrows of gopher tortoise and southeastern pocket gopher. HIGH CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Glossy Crayfish Snake Regina rigida sinicola. Fairly common in Coastal Plain, except extreme northwestern portions. A small secretive snake of ponds and swamps. Believed to be stable throughout most of its distribution. Lowest Conservation Concern.

Queen Snake Regina septemvittata. Fairly common to uncommon. Nearly statewide, but apparently absent from Coastal Plain west of Tombigbee River, and from southern portions of Baldwin County. Believed to be declining, especially in southern Alabama. A small slender water snake of streams and stream impoundments, often seen basking on limbs overhanging water. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Pine Woods Snake Rhadinaea flavilata. Peripheral and rare in southern Coastal Plain and southern Pine Plains and Hills of southwestern Alabama where known from only a few localities in Mobile, Washington, and Baldwin Counties. A small secretive snake of damp pine flatwoods; occasionally appears in residential areas. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

North Florida Swamp Snake Seminatrix pygaea pygaea. Peripheral and rare in extreme southern Coastal Plain. Known from three Covington County localities and one locality west of Conecuh River in Escambia County that represents the northwestern limit of the known United States’ distribution. A small secretive snake of swamps and weedy ponds. HIGH CONSERVATION CONCERN.

DeKay’s Brown Snake Storeria dekayi ssp. Common essentially statewide, but lack of records from much of southeastern Coastal Plain may reflect actual scarcity or absence there. One of Alabama’s most common snakes north of Buhrstone/Lime Hills. Often encountered around human dwellings and erroneously called “ground rattler.” Includes three intergrading subspecies, S. d. dekayi (northern brown snake), S. d. limnetes (marsh brown snake), and S. d. wrightorum (midland brown snake). Lowest Conservation Concern.

Northern Red-bellied Snake Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata. Fairly common statewide. A small, secretive ground-dwelling snake of mesic forested habitats where soils are moderately heavy. Often found under logs, rocks, and other objects. Believed to be declining in many areas. Lowest Conservation Concern.

Southeastern Crowned Snake Tantilla coronata. Fairly common statewide, but thought to be declining. A small, secretive ground-dwelling snake of dry woodland ridges and hillsides. Often found under rocks, logs, and in rotting stumps. Low Conservation Concern.

Eastern Ribbon Snake Thamnophis sauritus sauritus. Fairly common statewide, but not as frequently encountered as in the past. A semi-aquatic snake of marshes, beaver swamps, lake and stream margins, and wet meadows. Low Conservation Concern.

Eastern Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. Fairly common statewide. Very generalized in habitat preferences, and found in most terrestrial habitat types. Frequently encountered, especially in northern Alabama. Low Conservation Concern.

Rough Earth Snake Virginia striatula. Fairly common across most of Alabama, and present in all regions except Interior Plateau. Absent from northeastern portions of Appalachian Plateau and Ridge and Valley. Inhabits relatively drier woodlands than smooth earth snake. More commonly encountered in Coastal Plain, and believed to have declined in recent decades. Lowest Conservation Concern.

Smooth Earth Snake Virginia valeriae ssp. Common statewide. Usually inhabits more mesic woodlands than rough earth snake, but both may occur together, and are very similar in appearance. Most Alabama populations are V. v. valeriae (eastern smooth earth snake), but western populations may show influence of intergradation with V. v. elegans (western smooth earth snake). Lowest Conservation Concern.

Coral Snakes - Family Elapidae
Eastern Coral Snake Micrurus fulvius. Rare and possibly threatened. A colorful, venomous snake principally occurring in Coastal Plain from Buhrstone/Lime Hills southward, but also known from disjunct localities in southern Ridge and Valley (Bibb and St. Clair Counties) and Piedmont (Coosa County). Spends much time underground, emerging to forage in early morning and late afternoon. Inhabits a variety of terrestrial habitats having loose, friable soils. Few recent observations may indicate that this secretive species has declined in Alabama. Two more common and similarly patterned nonvenomous snakes, scarlet kingsnakes and scarlet snakes, are frequently mistaken for eastern coral snakes. HIGH CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Pit Vipers - Family Viperidae
Copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix ssp. Common statewide. Most frequently encountered venomous snake in Alabama. Inhabits a wide variety of upland habitats. May be increasing in parts of Coastal Plain, especially where fire is suppressed. Includes subspecies A. c. contortrix (southern copperhead) and A. c. mokeson (northern copper-head). Lowest Conservation Concern.

Cottonmouth Agkistrodon piscivorus ssp. Common statewide. Occurs in most aquatic habitats, but reaches greatest abundance in Coastal Plain swamps. The only venomous aquatic snake in North America. Includes subspecies A. p. piscivorus (eastern cottonmouth), A. p. conanti (Florida cottonmouth), and A. p. leucostoma (western cottonmouth). Lowest Conservation Concern.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Crotalus adamanteus. Uncommon to rare and possibly threatened. Alabama’s largest venomous snake. Exploits a variety of upland habitats from extreme southern portion of Southern Hilly Gulf Coastal Plain to Gulf Coast, favoring relatively dry pine flatwoods and longleaf pine-turkey oak sandhills. Overwinters in stump holes and gopher tortoise burrows, where it is vulnerable to “gassing” by snake hunters. Infrequently encountered where formerly common, and now absent from many areas of historic occurrence. HIGH CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Timber Rattlesnake Crotalus horridus. Fairly common to uncommon statewide, except for extreme southern Alabama. Commonly called canebrake or velvet-tail rattlesnake. A large venomous snake of upland and lowland forested habitats, especially in sparsely settled areas. Declining or absent from many formerly inhabited areas because of direct persecution, habitat fragmentation, and gradual loss of deciduous and mixed forest types, but still apparently secure in some areas. Low Conservation Concern.

Pigmy Rattlesnake Sistrurus miliarius ssp. Uncommon to rare. Statewide in distribution, but rarely encountered in recent years except in extreme southern Alabama. Believed to be declining. Inhabits a variety of upland habitats. Often called "ground rattler" by those who recognize it. Includes subspecies S. m. miliarius (Carolina pigmy rattlesnake), S. m. barbouri (dusky pigmy rattlesnake) and S. m. streckeri (western pigmy rattlesnake). MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

List of snakes of Trinidad and Tobago

This is a list of snakes which have been recorded in Trinidad and Tobago. Forty-seven species have been recorded - forty-four in Trinidad and twenty-one in Tobago, making the snake population of this area by far the most diverse in the Caribbean. Many of these species are South American, most of which are present in Venezuela.

Cascabel Dormillon or Cook's Tree Boa (Corallus ruschenbergerii), Caroni Swamp, Trinidad.
Trinidad and Tobago consists of two main islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and several smaller islands. The "Bocas Islands", which lie between Trinidad and Venezuela, in the Bocas del Dragón (Dragons' Mouth), consist of Chacachacare, Monos, Huevos and Gaspar Grande. Several smaller islands lie off Trinidad, but snakes have only been recorded on one of them, Caledonia Island. Snakes have only been recorded on one island off Tobago, Little Tobago.
Only four species are venomous - two Coral Snakes (Micrurus spp.), the Fer-de-lance (Bothrops atrox) and the Bushmaster (Lachesis muta). The Common Coral is found on one of the Bocas Islands (Gaspar Grande). No venomous snakes occur in Tobago.

Family Leptotyphlopidae

SpeciesCommon nameTrinidadTobagoBocas Is.Other
Leptotyphlops albifronsGround PuppyX

Family Typhlopidae

SpeciesCommon nameTrinidadTobagoBocas Is.Other
Helminthrophis sp. Yellow-headed Ground PuppyX

Typhlops brongersmianusBurrowing SnakeX

Typhlops trinitatus Trinidad Burrowing SnakeXX

Family Aniliidae

SpeciesCommon nameTrinidadTobagoBocas Is.Other
Anilus scytale scytale Burrowing False Coral; RouleauX

Family Boidae

SpeciesCommon nameTrinidadTobagoBocas Is.Other
Boa constrictor constrictorMacajuel, Boa ConstrictorXXX
Corallus ruschenbergeriiCascabel Dormillon; Cook's Tree BoaXX

Epicrates cenchria maurusRainbow BoaXXX
Eunectes murinas gigasHuille, AnacondaX

Family Colubridae

Subfamily Xenodontinae

SpeciesCommon nameTrinidadTobagoBocas Is.Other
Clelia clelia cleliaBlack Cribo, MussuranaX
Erythrolamprus aesculapii False CoralX

Erythrolamprus bizonaFalse CoralX

Erythrolamprus ocellatus Tobago False Coral, Red Snake

Helicops angulatusWater Mapepire, Brown-banded Water SnakeX

Hydrops triangularis neglectusWater CoralX

Liophis cobellus cobellusMangrove Snake, Mangrove MapepireX

Liophis melanotus nesos Beh Belle Chemin, Doctor SnakeXXX
Liophis reginae zweifeliHigh Woods CoralXX

Oxyrhopus petola petolaFalse CoralXX

Pseudoboa neuwiediiRatonelXXX
Siphlophis cervinusCheckerbellyX

Thamnodynastes sp.Striped Swamp SnakeX

Tripanurgos compressusMapepire De Fe, False CoralX

Subfamily Dipsadinae

SpeciesCommon nameTrinidadTobagoBocas Is.Other
Atractus trilineatusThree-lined Ground SnakeXX?
Atractus cf. univittatus Tobago One-lined Snake

Dipsas variegata trinitatis Snail-eating SnakeX

Imantodes cenchoa cenchoaMapepire Corde Violon, Fiddle-string SnakeXX

Leptodeira annulata ashmeadiFalse Mapepire, Cat-eyed Night SnakeXXX
Ninia atrataRed-nape Snake, Ring Neck SnakeXX

Sibon nebulata nebulataClouded SnakeXXX

Subfamily Colubrinae

SpeciesCommon nameTrinidadTobagoBocas Is.Other
Chironius carinatus carinatusMachete Savane, Yellow MacheteX

Chironius multiventris septentrionalisLong-tailed Machete SavaneX

Chironius scurrulus Smooth Machete SavaneX

Drymarchon corais coraisYellow-tailed CriboXXX
Leptophis ahaetulla coeruleodorusLora, Parrot SnakeXX

Leptophis stimsoni Grey LoraX

Mastigodryas boddaerti boddaertiMachete CouesseX
Mastigodryas boddaerti dunni Machete Couesse
Oxybelis aeneusHorsewhipXXX
Pseustes poecilonotus polylepisDos CocoriteX

Pseustes sulphureus sulphureusYellow-bellied Puffing SnakeX

Spilotes pullatus pullatusTigre, TigroXX

Tantilla melanocephalaBlack-headed SnakeXXX

Family Elapidae

SpeciesCommon nameTrinidadTobagoBocas Is.Other
Micrurus lemniscatus diutiusCommon Coral SnakeX
Micrurus circinalisLarge Coral SnakeX

Family Viperidae

SpeciesCommon nameTrinidadTobagoBocas Is.Other
Bothrops atroxMapepire Balsain, Fer-de-lanceX

Lachesis muta mutaMapepire Zanana, Mapepire Z'Ananas, BushmasterX